The Woodend RSL offers a modern, well-equipped hall for hire.
Facilities include:
Capacity for 100 people (80 seated for dining)
Fully stocked and licensed bar facilities (volunteer bar staff with Responsible Service of Alcohol Certificates available)
Accredited kitchen (volunteer staff with Food Handling Certificates available)
Outdoor BBQ area within the licensed premises

Please note that all times members of the Woodend RSL Sub Branch and visitors must comply with the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998 including preventing the following offences:
Supply liquor to intoxicated person
Permit drunken or disorderly person on licensed premises
Supply or permit liquor to be supplied to a person under 18 other than as permitted
Permit a person under 18 on licensed premises, other than as permitted
Permit liquor to be supplied or consumed outside the premises licensed area